Wendy Li

Maker, thinker, printer, typographer, illustrator, 2D & 3D motion graphic designer. Ideas comes first.

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By Category:
Interactive and Film
Publication, Typography and Illustration
Branding and Marketing

Wendy Li

Maker, thinker, printer, typographer, illustrator, 3D motion graphic designer. Ideas comes first.
Instagram Email

Selected Projects
Interactive and Film
Print, Typography and Illustration
Branding and Marketing

Human with Less Plastic Club

A campaign to better encourage the use of less plastic in China, complementing the legislation. It hope to communicate an uncorporate, grass-root feeling to its audience.

Campaign and prints
Oct 2020

Logo and colours were inspired by the classic plastic bag shape and bin colours used in China.︎︎︎

The campaign can be implemented in different public spaces︎︎︎

Less plastic with joy.

Local communities and actions that promotes less plastic usage that can grow organically.

Transforming the ecofriendly lifestyle to be something  cool to carry out, that comes from us.

Social media usage and brand guidelines to be accessed online for everyone︎︎︎