Wendy Li

Maker, thinker, printer, typographer, illustrator, 2D & 3D motion graphic designer. Ideas comes first.

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By Category:
Interactive and Film
Publication, Typography and Illustration
Branding and Marketing

Wendy Li

Maker, thinker, printer, typographer, illustrator, 3D motion graphic designer. Ideas comes first.
Instagram Email

Selected Projects
Interactive and Film
Print, Typography and Illustration
Branding and Marketing

Common Ground

How can design help find common ground in a polarized world? This project presents a series of book-shaped pavements about the reasons behind our stances on different topics. It aims to remind the viewer that we make our decisions because we have different backgrounds and values, and there is a reason behind why we believe in what is right. The key to finding common ground is by understanding and respecting these differences, even if we might never agree with each other.

Casted with Jesmonite AC730, screen printed with gold ink.
Jan - March 2022

All the casted tiles in order︎︎︎
The issues presented in this series range from very casual e.g. drink preferences to very serious e.g. religious belief. The answers are collected and edited from Quora. In this process, I aimed to be as impartial and neutral as possible.
The book form represent that I am only presenting one set of answers here, and there might be hundreds more waiting for us to actively discover from people.

User engaging with the pieces︎︎︎
The pieces are meant to be stepped on and interacted with. There is also a QR code for people to scan and visit the website to read more about the project, as well submiting more answers and questions to the series.


The process went through a lot of iterations both in the ideation and making stage.